教科研成果:发表教、科研论文35篇,其中独撰或第一作者20篇、SCI(或EI)收录8篇、CSCD(或扩展版)论文10篇。主持完成安徽省高校省级精品资源共享课程(2012gxk110)、省级教学团队(2019jxtd116),参与国家自然科学青年基金项目(11301044,第一参与人),主持完成安徽省教育厅自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2015A251)、一般项目( KJ2009B101),池州学院自然科学研究重点项目2项和一般项目1项,池州学院与池州市教体局合作重点研究项目1项(JK2023014)。
1.Stationary Patterns of a Predator–Prey Modelwith Prey-Stage Structure and Prey-Taxis. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2021.
2.A new analysismethod for chemotaxis-induced instability in multi-species host-parasitoid systems.Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2017.
3.Global solutions in the species competitive chemotaxis system with inequal diffusion rates.Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2016.
4.An Improved Sextic Spline Method for Solving Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problems.应用数学,2012.
5.A fourth-order method of the convection-diffusion equations with Neumann boundary conditions.Applied Mathematics andComputation, 2011.
6.Numerical solution of telegraphic equations with source term using the generalized trapezoidal formula.2011 Fourth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2011.
7.Non-polynomial Spline Difference Schemes forSolving Second-order Hyperbolic Equations.I.J.Information Technology and ComputerScience, 2011.
8.Multiple Positive Solutions of Three-Point Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Nonlinear Second Order Differential Equations.大学数学,2011.
9. Global Existence and Convergence of Solutions to a Cross-Diffusion Cubic Predator-Prey System with Stage Structure for the Prey.Boundary Value Problems, 2010.
10.Parametric Cubic Spline Methods for Solving Hyperbolic Equations. The 2nd International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science 2010.
11. Global Existence and Stability of Solutions to a Cubic Predator-Prey System with Cross-Diffusion.应用数学,2009.
12.Uniform Boundedness and Stability of Solutions to a Cubic Predator-Prey System with Cross-Diffusion.Annal Differential Equations,2009.